51 research outputs found

    Software tools for creating electronic educational resources in the resource-based learning process

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    The article provides an in-depth analysis of one of the tools for creating EER for RBL - the Dr.Explain software application. It also discusses the capabilities of users and the most effective ways to create electronic educational resources in the Dr.Explain program. The aim of the study is to suggest and compile methodological guidelines for designing and developing electronic educational resources for resource-based learning using Dr.Explain software. Dr.Explain is a program designed to create software documentation (help files), help systems, online manuals and user manuals, technical documentation for software and technical systems. The experiment involved 523 students of 1 and 4 courses of study of the specialties 017 «Physical education and sport» and of 1 courses of study 011 «Educational and Pedagogical Sciences». Among the research methods used are: theoretical (analysis, comparison, generalization); pedagogical (pedagogical experiment, pedagogical observation); social and psychological (questioning), mathematical (mathematical calculation, ranking, regression). The research revealed that Dr.Explain is a useful tool for creating CHM help files, print-ready documents, e-books, allowing the user to compile e-learning hypertext resources in two formats (PDF and HTML). An analysis of the experience of using such an EER allows us to note that it is recommended to use electronic study guides in PDF format on tablets and smartphones, and this means what students do when downloading them from the Google platform or an official representative of the university. Web site. HTML e-manuals are easy to use by installing them on classroom desktops or students' laptops. In general, these EERs (both formats) are easy to install and view, and are independent of the operating system and software

    Motivational readiness of students to work at school as condition of professionalism of future teachers of physical culture

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    The review of sources convinces that the problem of studying motives and motivation in the student environment is relevant not only in Ukraine but also in other countries. The aim of the study is to experimental study the leading motives for teaching future physical education teachers in terms of building a new Ukrainian school. The basis of empirical research was Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University. The study was conducted in 2018–2022 study years. Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodical literature; pedagogical observation; pedagogical experiment; pedagogical testing; methods of mathematical statistics. The sample consisted of 225 second-year students (approximate age – 18–19 years) of the stationary form of education of the Faculty of Physical Education majoring in specialty 014.11 Secondary education (Physical culture) and specialty 017 Physical culture and sports. The conditions necessary for the formation of stable motives for educational and cognitive activities of future physical education teachers were identified (procedural and semantic, didactic and educational, psychological); the criteria of motivational readiness of future physical education teachers to work at school were determined. Prospects for further scientific research are to study the theoretical and methodological foundations of motivational readiness of teaching future physical education to work at school

    Modern Approaches To The Formation Of Professional Readiness Of Future Specialists In Physical Rehabilitation In The Context Of Restoring The Health Of Athletes

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    Health care reforms taking place in Ukraine make new demands on the training of future medical specialists in higher education institutions, so objectively there is an increase in importance of developing the professionalism of these professionals and an elevation of their competitiveness in the labor market. The aim of the study is to characterize the pedagogical diagnosis of the levels of readiness of future specialists in physical rehabilitation to work on restoring the health of athletes using information and cognitive criteria. Methods: theoretical, empirical; experimental; statistical. The article experimentally tested the effectiveness of the practical implementation of the system of professional training of future specialists in physical rehabilitation in the context of restoring the health of athletes. The results of the pedagogical experiment indicate significant positive changes in the levels of readiness to work to restore the health of athletes in students of the experimental group compared with the control group. The analysis of the results of the pedagogical experiment testified to the effectiveness of the developed system of professional training of future specialists in physical rehabilitation to work to restore the health of athletes

    Fitness Exercises As A Means Of Motivation For Physical Education Classes For High School Students

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    In the article, fitness aerobics is considered as one of the effective forms that provide the formation of interest and motivation among high school students for physical exercises and health promotion. The purpose of the work is to develop a methodology for using fitness aerobics in physical education classes in physical education classes for high school girls. The study was conducted on the basis of Kharkov Specialized School № 33. The study involved 25 students in grades 10–11. Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodical literature; pedagogical observation; pedagogical experiment; pedagogical testing; methods of mathematical statistics. The method of using fitness aerobics in the physical education classes of high school girls was theoretically substantiated and developed. Improved the content of the planned independent fitness classes, which were used as an additional reserve of motivation and increase weekly physical activity. The data on the use of fitness aerobics to increase the level of physical fitness of high school students and motivation for physical education have been supplemented. The results of the experiment that in comparison with the data at the beginning of the students’ motivation to attend physical education classes had changed. Before the introduction of pedagogical technology, the vast majority of students attended physical education classes to get a positive assessment, then, at the end of the formative experiment, the students went to physical education classes because they liked the style of the lessons and in order to improve their health and level of physical fitness

    Rope Skipping As A Means Of Increasing Students' Physical Activity

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    The article shows the use of a rope as a type of physical activity that is suitable for both boys and girls. She also develops all physical qualities. The aim of the research is to determine the influence of the means of jumping rope on the physical fitness of senior pupils. Research methods: analysis of special and scientific literature on the research topic; pedagogical observation of the learning process; pedagogical experiment; pedagogical testing of the physical qualities of high school students; methods of statistical data processing - for mathematical processing of the research results. The study involved 70 boys and 75 girls in grades 10-11. The results of testing physical readiness indices indicate a significant improvement in the development of physical qualities of students in experimental groups under the influence of jumping rope. This means that the rope can be recommended for use in the process of physical education of high school students. The study proposed to use skipping in various forms of physical education for senior pupils: at physical education lessons according to the variable module "Skipping", in different parts of physical education lessons according to other variable modules ("Athletics", "Football", Volleyball "), in independent lessons , on rolling breaks, sports entertainment, competitions. And the use of three groups of exercises with a rope according to the degree of difficulty in various forms of training contributes to the increase in the physical fitness of students

    Resource-Based Learning of Students in The System of Cross-Cultural Training of Future Specialists in Fitness and Recreation

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    The article considers the problem of introduction of resource-based learning of students in the practice of the educational process of higher education institutions that provide training under the educational program «Fitness and Recreation». The aim of the study is to clarify the place of RBL of students in the system of cross-cultural training of fitness and recreation professionals. The study involved 233 students of higher education institutions of Ukraine. Research methods: theoretical, empirical and methods of mathematical data processing. The essence and place of resource-based learning of students in the system of cross-cultural training of future specialists in fitness and recreation were determined, a subsystem «Resource-based learning of future professionals in fitness and recreation» was developed, which consists of three interrelated components: target, implementation and performance; mechanisms of information search for acquisition of cross-cultural knowledge in the field of fitness industry are considered

    Fitness Technologies in the System of Physical Qualities Development by Young Students

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    The article present in Ukraine and in recent years, there has been a decrease in the level of general physical preparedness of students, which is essentially due to the low initial level of physical preparedness of university entrants and the reduction of study hours for physical education. All students by the method of equal group distribution. The students took classes according to the traditional system, which concentartes on the development of only those physical qualities that are necessary for the successful assimilation of motor activity techniques. Students were engaged in the methodical system. The analysis of indicators dynamics of physical qualities development by students who participated in pedagogical experiment showed low initial level in all experimental groups. Students of control groups who were engaged in the traditional physical education system improved the test performance during the entire period of study, however among men four tests were rated "unsatisfactory", women received six "unsatisfactory" grades. Students from experimental groups, where a methodical system was introduced, were able to show significantly better test performance indicators. In general, the results of the conducted pedagogical molding experiment allow us to state that the introduction of methodical system promotes activation of educational activity, increases motor activity, physical fitness, physical development, formation of motivation to systematic training by means of modern innovative fitness technologies and to adhere to a healthy lifestyle. In general, the results of the conducted pedagogical molding experiment allow us to state that the introduction of methodical system promotes activation of educational activity, increases motor activity, physical fitness, formation of motivation to systematic training by modern innovative fitness technologies and to adherence to a healthy lifestyle

    Ризики зміни векторів інноваційного розвитку суб’єктів господарювання України з урахуванням нових викликів сучасного світу

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    Досліджено ризики зміни векторів інноваційного розвитку суб’єктів господарювання України з урахуванням нових викликів сучасного світуИсследованы риски изменения векторов инновационного развития субъектов хозяйствования Украины с учетом новых вызовов современного мираThe risks of changing the vectors of innovative development of economic entities of Ukraine taking into account the new challenges of the modern world are studiedРобота виконувалася за рахунок бюджетних коштів МОН України, наданих на виконання науково-дослідних робіт № 0117U003922 «Інноваційні драйвери національної економічної безпеки: структурне моделювання та прогнозування», № 15.01.09-20/22 GP-01 «Процес формування нових екологічно безпечних добрив пролонгованої дії на основі сировини фосфоритових родовищ», № 0118U003571 «Інноваційний менеджмент енергоефективних та ресурсозберігаючих технологій в Україні

    Розробка наукових основ маркетингу інновацій

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    Досліджено еволюцію сучасного маркетингу, окреслено роль маркетингу та інновацій у забезпеченні економічного розвитку, висвітлено сутність та завдання маркетингу інновацій. Визначено особливості аналізу ринку, виконано системний аналіз і запропоновані рекомендації щодо застосування методів генерування і відбору ідей товарних інновацій. Розроблено підходи до формування теоретико-методичних основ комплексу маркетингу інновацій, зокрема, товарної і розподільчої політики, політики просування. Удосконалено теоретико-методичні засади управління потенціалом інноваційного розвитку підприємств на засадах маркетингу інновацій і інноваційного маркетингу. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/452

    Методологія інноваційного забезпечення сталого розвитку підприємництва

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    Зумовлена поступовим посиленням ролі інноваційних процесів у розвитку підприємств в умовах ринкової конкуренції та впливу дестабілізуючих факторів світового фінансово-економічного простору, за яких інновації мають забезпечувати сталий розвиток та економічне зростання суб’єктів господарювання